Monday, June 23, 2014

Mailing List Importance

Clients come to us and ask us the best way look for a good quality mailing list for their marketing activity. Below are some tips to help you know what list might work for you and how you can go about it.

·          Who do you want to speak to?
 What are your demographics for location Zip code or County?
 What ages and income levels do you want to reach?
 Are your prospects homeowners?

·         Select a quality list provider.
Choose a list provider based on their reputation and relevance.

·         Purchase clean data.
Ask questions about how often the data is updated or cleaned. Ideally this should be not less frequently than 6 months.

·         Don’t buy more than you need.
Consider how many calls (or mailings) you will reasonably be able to make each day. Purchasing too many names will cause some of them to get old or outdated before you have the opportunity to use them.

·         Know how you can use your data.
Some lists are good for a one time single use. These tend to be the least expensive. Others allow for multiple use up to an agreement date which is usually 12 months.

·         About cost
Make sure that what you pay for a list includes all of the data you need. The basic cost of a record may not include all of the data that you really want such as phone numbers or email addresses.

These tips can assist you in making informed decisions when it’s time to purchase you next list.